website design software


TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) is a collection of protocols (rules) that depict how data is transferred across networks between computer systems. All data on the internet is transferred using TCP/IP.


TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) files are basically Bitmap images, they are not restricted in resolution and can be black and white, gray scale or full color.
Most image editing software can support the TIFF format, TIFF files typically have the .tif or .tiff file extension


Refers to the process of sending a file from a local computer to a remote computer via a communications line. Most commonly to upload a file over the internet.

URL (Universal Resource Locator):

This is the full unique address of websites/pages/files on the internet, i.e. the URL of a sample page is http://www./


http:/ is the protocol
/ is the domain name
portal/ is the directory
/index.html is the file.

USB (Universal Serial Bus) PORT: (See Ports)


A malicious program that can destroy data and bog down your computer and the internet by overloading it with message traffic. These programs are created by people called scum not hackers.

WAN (Wide Area Network):

As the name suggests it is a network of computers over a wide geographical area. See LAN and Ethernet


A program or application that combines a text editor with composition or page layout functions to allow creating and editing of text as well as formatting capabilities. Contains a spell checker.


WWW (World Wide Web) describes the internet as a whole, millions of computers all over the world connected via phone lines and modems. Originally developed by Brit Tim Berners-Lee (NOT Al Gore) in 1989 while working in Geneva for CERN, he went on in 1990 to create the first WWW server, the first web browser (called World Wide Web), the URL addressing system and the HTML language.